Tuesday, December 2, 2008



Why should the University Center food court be open later? Some of the reasons why the UC should be open later are because some students take night classes and it’s closed by the time they get out of class. Some students don’t have that much time at night between studying and sports practice, and some people have late lunches which forces them to eat dinner later at night.
Students that take night classes at NSU usually get out anywhere from 7-10 p.m. at night which forces them to wonder off campus somewhere so they can eat dinner. If the UC were to stay open later till all classes are over that would give students a chance to eat with piers and also utilize the money they already paid for on there shark card because most of the students life on campus that take night courses. The UC should stay open later for these students because it’s not fair to them not to be able to eat dinner where it’s convenient for them instead of having to drive and get something.
At NSU there are a lot of student athletes and a lot of students that are not only here for undergrad but plan to further there education to a masters or a doctorate. Which leads to the next reason why the UC should stay open past 7 p.m. Student athletes barely have free time to them selves to relax between weights, practices, drills, and studying so by the time they are finally done with all of there duties its past that time again and there out of another dinner because they were to caught up. It’s unfair to them because they’re only trying to do what they need to get by and there penalized for that. And those who are trying to do well so they can further there education into the masters or doctoral field study most of there free time away so by the time they find a second for dinner again that time has already passed and everything is closed down till the next morning.
Last but not least those that eat late lunches because they’re to busy at afternoon class till 4 or 5 p.m. aren’t hungry again till 9 or 10 p.m. for dinner and again by the time there hungry again the food court is closed down. Therefore serving them no justice to have the meal plan at NSU because they barely get to utilize the money they have on their card because the UC is always closed when they want to go. However the late night food added to the flight deck is a great help to some of these people, but the downfall to this service is that there’s only 4 or 5 items you can choice from.
In conclusion there are many that will agree that the UC should stay open later in the night for all of the students weather it be because you have night classes and don’t get out in time, or because you’re a student athlete that cant find the time because of studying and practice, or because you’re a dual admit student that cant find the time because your stuck at your desk with 5 books to read before the sun comes up the next morning. As a voice of NSU it would be a huge benefit to all to keep the UC food court open later for everyone to enjoy.


New Cafeteria
Shark dinning is proud to present to the students of NSU the all-new state of the art Shark Dish Café open till 11:00 p.m. weeknights and 2:30 a.m. during the weekends, and brunch Sunday mornings till 12:00 p.m. Inside the all new café there will be gourmet chiefs to cater to you every desire. Now with the new café there is no more food plan we have devised an all-new super efficient payment system. With such a high tech facility we thought it would only be proper to be able to order you food right at the ease of picking up your laptop and login onto Novas web site simply type in your code and what you want and it will shortly after be outside of your room.
Now that NSU has hired 10 of the countries best chiefs they will be more then happy to satisfy you with anything your belly can imagine. There will be no less then 3 chiefs on the clock at a time to make sure you get your food in a timely fashion. With the chiefs being of this caliper it will make it much easier to eat healthy which in college is a huge factor because the food is usually garbage on college campuses so any parent worried about what Jane or little Johnny is eating no more worries.
Now that NSU has built this state of the art facility there will be no need for a food plan for the kids who live on campus. Every child will be awarded 3 meals a day and 2 desert trays. How it works is there is no price on any of the foods you order from the café they just charge it as one meal so you can get as much or as little as you prefer. This way it ensures that ever child will not have to worry if they have any money left to get food so they’ll never be any hungry kids. Another feature that we have incorporated is roll over meals so if you only use 2 meals instead of the 3 your allotted then you can us it when ever you like.
You know how awesome it would be if you were in college and you could order take out from you campus cafeteria, well no more hoping the time has finally come to NSU. How it works is when ever you get the urge for some shark dish café all you have to do is log into are web site and tell us what you want and at your door shortly after it appears. There will be 5 delivery people on staff at all times so that we can ensure a warm arrival time to your door.
After 4 years of construction and nearing 15 million dollars NSU has finally unveiled the Shark Dish Café which they can assure will be the answer to all the unsatisfied NSU members. Weather it’s from the chiefs cooking ability, or the fact that you know you’ll never have to worry do I have enough money left to eat, or it be the delivery service right to your dorm room door. NSU is slowly reassuring there students that they will do what ever they have to, to make the student population satisfied with what there paying for.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

in the news response

Its not the societys fault for poverty, poverty is a part of life theres always going to be poor people where ever you go. Some countries have not yet developed the kinds of technological advances we have and some countries do not want to be advanced like ours. So what we think and understand is poverty may not be in the eyes of those people.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

in the news General Motors Company

Yes the government should save the General motors because if they dont save the biggest car manufacturer in the United States then that will show the world that america is slowly but surely loosing there super power. No because GM plays a huge role in the american economy and if we let that spoil it will lead to an even worse depression. I dont think that the other american car companies will fall right away but eventually they will die off.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

in the news..

i think obama won because what happen with bush being elected and with the war and all people are scared. Because obama made all of these promises that were ganna change and blah blah blah and people that dont know anything about politics just voted for him. TAX TAX TAX! because of all thes tax increases for the rich so then he can instill more money in health care and wellfare and all of those programs.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

journal #9

#1 1) you can go to war when your 18 but you cant drink how could we be free?
2) none
3) if were old enough to go to war we should be old enough to choose weather to drink or not

#3 1) where going to need gas masks in the furture if we keep going the way were going causing all this pollution.
2) the production of all these unnecessary good are cause way to much pollution.
3) i want my kids to be able not to worry about the O zone layer collapsing

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

journal #8


The picture is trying to portray George bush as knowing about the economic problems that america is facing but showing that hes not worried about whats happening as our economy is failing. He is standing tall with a smile on his face as if everything is ok while the other people in the picture our worried sick of these problems.

chapter 6 active reading questions

1) I feel that these are all right because if your not creative then a business will never have creative workers. Money is a creative motivator beacause it gives workers incentive to want to work and to be creative. Time pressure dose fuel creativity because they need to get it done quickly and effectively. Fear of your job focuses breakthroughs because if you dont have a job then your not ging to be able to live, so you must do well. Competition beats collaberation because the more competition the more ideals and the better they will be. A streamlined organization is a creative one because a stable comfortable workplace means happy and creative employees.
2) She desinged it around the basis of better understanding what in the work force can motivate and unmotivate the workers do do better. She did it in a lyed back way and made sure not to interferre with the workers.
3) The audience for this essay/article is people/companies are business owners or people trying to better there knowladge of the business world, and workers trying to get into the work force.

journal #7

Throughout Orwell's essay he mentions a couple of things as proof that the English language is in trouble such as our civilization is decadent and so is our language so the argument runs must inevitably share in the general collapse. He also says that the abuse of language is sentimental archaism underneath this lies the half conscious belief that language is a natural growth and not an instrument which we shape for our own purpose. Since Orwell wrote this essay over 60 years ago i believe in todays world language has gotten considerably worse. So of the reasons for this decline in the english language is because of computer chating and text messaging where people obriveate what they are trying to say. Another cause is the music or today and the language abuse that they provide to our youth. I think Orwells ideas of strengthing our writing our good because when you have a clear mind your thought process is much better inturn writing better. What he was trying to say about looking and analyzing something before you write about it was you get a better understanding of it so you can write more in depth. No i have not ever tried this method before i wrote an essay.

Monday, October 6, 2008

in the news

U.S loses 159,000 jobs in September, biggest drop in 5 years

Job loss causes more concern regarding economy

Zach Oliva

The government reported Friday that the U.S lost 159,000 jobs this September, the biggest drop in unemployment during a one-month span in 5 years.

The report, released by the U.S Labor Department, stated employment has declined in each of the last 9 months. September, however, saw a drop in jobs double the average of the previous nine months, causing concern over whether or not the trend will continue.

“It’s a dismal report, and the worst thing about it is that it does not reflect the recent seizure that we’ve seen in the credit markets,” Michael T. Darda, chief economist at MKM Partners, told The New York Times. “There’s really nothing good about this report at all. We’ve lost jobs in nearly every area of the economy, and this is going to get worse before it gets better because the credit markets have deteriorated basically on a daily basis for the last few weeks.”

Darda isn’t the only one with pessimistic views on the future of the economy. Many experts foresee that there will not be significant improvements until late next year. Many struggling Americans are concerned as bills pile up and savings dwindle.

“This economy is just not creating near enough economic activity to generate wage or income growth,” Jared Bernstein, a senior economist at the labor-oriented Economic Policy Institute in Washington, told The New York Times. “That has serious living standards implications.”

What can be done to help save jobs?

Project #2

Do the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer? Most can speak about this myth only from personal or observational points of view. Most beliefs about this myth our encored through the media of today. Traditionally myths are what mold our judgments and impression of different situations.

A situation most familiar and congruous through society as being shunned upon is the rich getting richer. Look at Bill Gates for example. He started this mega billion dollar corporation and he has been feasting on not only the money but desire for more money and power. It’s a vicious cycle that won’t end because the want for more is always present. On the other more common hand of experience is the poor getting poorer. With the way our economy is and is considering the down slope of salaries with increasing prices from inflation; the poor actually are getting poorer not only because of decline in salaries but the original salary they made doesn’t mean as much with the high price of nominal goods. Is there a solution? Of course there is. Will we find one? We probably won’t soon enough.

The rich actually are getting richer. Some examples of why the rich get richer are they have started successful businesses because they have taken the entrepreneurial risk of starting that business so they make money then they sell it off and start another successful business and make even more money, they also receive greater tax breaks because all rich people are in the business world and the rich business people get better tax relief, the rich also get paid higher and higher salaries because of the capitalist society the professionals tend to get paid absurdly more then normal workers.  The rich also tend to make their money work for them. They do this buy investing it in other businesses that they know are going to succeed, or by investing it in the stock market and buying low and selling high, or by buying investment properties. Finally the rich know how to take advantage of a business deal. No rich person would let someone hustle him or her out of what they worked so hard to get. Therefore whenever you make a business deal with a rich man or a good business person they will always try to make sure the one up on everyone.

  The poor actually are getting poorer. Some reasons and examples of how and why this is happening in today’s world is partially due to the declining economy, and everyone knows when the economy goes into a recession like it has been in the past 6 months that not may are going to be able to have such things as job security because the rich want to keep there money they don’t want to give it out if they don’t have to, and low rank employees are the first out, not many will receive job promotions. Most certainly many that were thinking of starting a new business venture will definitely think two or three times before they are willing to front all that money and all that time before it gets lost to a dead market. Now that this has happen on top of the rising inflation rate of today’s global market the poor are actually getting poorer. If there making products at a more expensive product cost they have to sell it a higher selling price because businesses need to make there profit to stay afloat therefore people that have been making the same salary for the last five to ten years and everything else in the world has increased in price then really there not making nearly what they need to make to stay alive in such a cut throat world.

Some solution to this everlasting problem in today’s society is to become a communist country. Communism countries are run so that everything is equal. People cannot own anything; the government is in 100% total power over anything and everything of value and anything that has to do with business, but everyone is paid equally therefore there is so no war of the rich and the poor. There are pro’s and con’s to this type of economy so pro’s are that you don’t have to worry about money, the unemployment rate is 0%, the set standard is the same for everyone, the economic growth throughout the country grows rapidly. Some con’s of this solution would be lack of freedom to do as you please, the inability to own anything that you want, you cannot be who you want to be you have to be who they tell you to be. So is this the solution? Is there a definite solution? The answer to both of the questions can only be answered by one thing: The passing of time. A solution for this positive to negative inverse relationship can be found. Our country hasn’t found the answer but we and other countries facing the same economical demise will need to find a solution soon.

 The new day economic topic that politicians are preaching on even both sides now is the “trickle down theory” where if the government feeds money into this “rich getting richer” scheme, then the side affects are soon to trickle down so to speak to the poor and make the middle class rise again. Bringing the average income back to abundance is crucial. Will this work is the question everyone is asking themselves but like it has been said before: A solution isn’t going to be proven beneficial without it’s stance against the long grueling affects of time. So politicians and anyone with the power to spark an idea into the veins of our nation will take a stab in the dark at some “plan” they think they have. Until we realize what is actually happening, sit down to evaluate the circumstances, and devise a solution as the people or a person in power; the rich will keep getting richer, and the poor will keep getting poorer. 

Sunday, October 5, 2008

jouranl #6

Myth: The rich get richer and the poor gets poorer

Jake:I believe in this myth because the rich are greedy and all they care about is themselves and there money. Honestly how much money do they need to be happy. The Major CEO's of banking companies have caused the stock market to crash because of all the faulty mortgages they have loaned out.

Greg: I also agree that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer because no rich people want to stay where they are at with there wealth everone trys to improve there wealth and by doing so the poor keep getting poorer because the rich keep taking thing away from them buy lowering there wages to raising the price of goods so they cant afford to live and the owners of these companies are making a killing.

What i haved leanered from this is that everyone in this world is out for themselves and there money. and that soon there will only be to classes of people which our those of wealth and those of poverty.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

S.C. Cop reaspnose

Yes i think that the cop made a deliberate attempt to hit the innocent man trying to avoid the cruiser. The cop openly said on tape that he hit him and that he had hit him on purpose. Yes i think that this case had alot to do with race. Because the government does not want to look bad in the eye of the media because they are the people that make sure we are safe and that everything is ok. I think the cops punishment was fair because he knows the law better then any normal street goer. There is probably government favors but there deffinetly shouldn't be because its an unfair advantage.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

splenda response

I think that the media does these types of research on products like this to stir the market because there is really no artifcial food products that are sold today that have any positive effects on are body and everyone knows that they dont they just dont pay attention. Then when issues like this are brought up it kind of opens peoples eyes, but are people going to easy up on using splenda personally i dont think so but who knows. None of this has a personal effect on me because i choose not to use products such as these.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Journal #5

- Syfer, who is displaying her self as a lesbian, wants a wife who can basically serve her as a slave. She wants her to basically raise her children while she is away at school. Then when she returns home she wants her to take care of her; by that time the kids must have done all their chores and homework and already be in bed. To some degree I think some wives are still inbedded like this. Only because of how their mothers were. It has definitely changed because women look at themselves more independent now, due to recent events that men have done.

- Her writing style in a nutshell is needy, and dramatic. She does things that i usually wouldnt do in writing my papers. Some reasons why i wouldnt use her style of writing is because its to much exampling at once. Its just to much for you to take in all in one reading.

- Some of the injustices of todays society is adultery. I feel like back in the early 70's there wasnt as much cheating as today. Couples of today are mostly temperary, then after a couple years it all falls apart because they got married to fast and didnt know that they didnt mesh well togather. The men are usually the cheaters in the relationship and they are the ones that leave the women with the kids and all these issues, then they try not to give them the money they need to support there children because they diceded to cheat and screw the women over.

journal #4

- Bartholomae means that the student must create in their own perspective of how basically everything in their sorrounding is denotated as. Basically to work in all fields and in every aspect of the college world. To "invite the university" is also another way of saying that students have to find their inner writer. Since college is a much higher scale than high school, it's a way to broaden vocabulary, build sentence structure, and create a wider outlook on life.

- Bartholomae is basically saying that when people become college students, they have the right to become whoever they want. They are most opened to opportunity, to create something new, and claim an original idea.

- The two examples are basically noncomparable... One is that of the student who ventures outside of the basic writing would to create a new aspect of everything; then on the other hand is the student who is trapped beyond compare in the basic writing world... Only just to get by.

- Greg Moppert

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I feel that everyone has the right to no weather or not they carry the gene for cancer. It shouldnt matter to anyone how old you are when you get tested for the gene but if at a young you do find out you carry the gene then when your older maybe they will have some type of medicine that will help prevent the gene from ever forming into cancer. But if you dont know you have the gene and you do get cancer then you cant catch it at its early stages and it will be hard to get rid of. I feel as if everyones family has had cancer in it should get tested automatically because its terifying to no that you could have something like that inside of you and you dont no it.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Draft Project #1

Personal belief was developed after the Great Awakening. Soon after, people realized that they didn’t have to listen to the Protestant or Catholic Church for their everyday decisions. My personal beliefs are simple and short. It consists of three concepts; eat healthy, have respect for everyone and go with your first instinct. I believe that my personal beliefs came about due to the way I was raised and the different environments that I was around while growing up. Knowing now that all my personal beliefs make me the better person that I am, I have come to fully accepting who I am. A lot of people don’t accept who they are.
Eating healthy is number one on my list because the way I look is very important to me. Image is everything where I am from and without the right image most people look at you different or don’t accept you. What I put inside my body all effects how I am feeling for the day. In my personal opinion, choosing to eat healthy affects the way I think and how my body will respond to my daily routines and activities. My food consumption by far has shaped me to what I look like, smell like, taste like, and feel like. It gives me a great source of energy and most of the time I can tell just by the way I eat that that is a reason for my lack of illnesses. Eating healthy is not some strict intense diet that I follow; it’s just watching what I eat because I know it affects everything that I do.
Respect in opinion is acknowledging someone else’s beliefs or values. Knowing the golden rule; do unto others as you would have them do unto you, I try and follow it so that I don’t curse myself down the road. Keeping the high level of respect gives the overall advantage in certain cases. To live peacefully in this world we must show respect to everyone, because everyone is not the same. Some people have different cultures, everyone looks different, and some people aren’t able to do the thing I can do. Respect is mainly looked at as the moral obligation to show tribute to someone else’s beliefs and values. Having respect for people will bring anyone a long way, sometimes not even depending on the circumstances.
My gut feeling is what I use to make every decision from day to day. Learning to always use first instinct has gotten me farther than I could have imagined. Sometimes to repeat bad mistakes I’ll accidently go with the second choice. Always to be disappointed and learning that the first choice was correct. For example, a couple days ago I was in line at McDonald’s about to order a grilled chicken breast combo, substituting the fries for apple slices. But instead I chose a Big Mac and a large fry. To my dismay I woke up the next morning throwing up from food poisoning and an angry stomach. Although my personal beliefs may change throughout the course of my life, I know that these are the ones to carry me to where I am today. Choosing certain paths from first instinct, and my appearance coming from my dietary habits, and having the friends and people in my life by the respect that I give towards them. All my personal beliefs has given me my strong proud name; Greg Moppert. Another strong Italian brother.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

journal #2


I thouht that the essay i read was compelling because a young man from New Orleans talked about how he thought he was a hero to himself because he learned how to over come the things that had happen to him and his city from hurricane Katrina. He talked about how he safely escaped but many didnt, and how he lost not only materialistic things but also lost friends that would never come back to be with him again. The tone of this essay is serious, and reflective because he telling what had happen in these events and how he learned and grew from them.


This essay was compelling because it gives you a reality check, because you never really understand or appreciate what you have until you loose everything and everyone you had. It's sad because it happens to few of us but when like this happens to people it really changes the way there minds think in every aspect. She uses v devastation's isual stories to showcase what she is talking about and how she now feel for the homeless that walk the streets looking and wondering what there next move shall be because there are no certainties in your life during these periods of time. The tone of this essay is definitely serious because it shows us what can happen when things like this occur.
These essays are similar because they are both talking about hurricane and how it has effected there lives in a tremendous fashion. katrina. Yes these essays do follow the instructed guidelines given to them.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

journal #1

 I am responding to the piece that I wrote only a few days ago for class that was to test my writing skills to see if I was proficient enough to be in this course.  The genre that I choose to write this paper in was autobiographical story, and non-fiction. Some reasons I choose to write this essay in these genres was because it was about my future so it’s about the things that I want to do with my future so that cover the reason for autobiographical story. The paper is non-fiction because I someday will own a business such as this. The audience in which I had to writing the essay to the board of the comp classes.  Some of the reasons I wrote about my long-term business goals in the essay was so that the readers could informally gain an understanding of what I enjoy doing at this point in my life, and what I want to do for the rest of my life. I feel that by writing my essay in this manner it gave the readers a better advantage of understand that I wanted to form a background behind my essay so we could have a formed a better relationship.

Most of the reasons for my writing were so that I could lay out my 30 year long term business goals, to show how I am going to accomplish owning and operating my own car dealership. However I feel I did a good job of accomplishing this in the essay that I wrote because I laid some reasons out about how I am going to get the money that is needed, how I was going to keep the business running, and the preferred location of the dealerships. Now that I look at my piece from a rhetorical situation stand point every time you write this is a factor. Therefore  the better you our as a writer you will learn how to adapt to the different writing situations.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

In the news #1 access of technology

i think that technology should not be opposed in the olympic ring. If you have the technology to invent products such as shark suites and beta blockers then why not use them. These technologies want make your nature raw abilities any better it just makes it easier, and if every other country has the same technology at the disposal then that dosent give anyone an advantage.