Wednesday, October 22, 2008

chapter 6 active reading questions

1) I feel that these are all right because if your not creative then a business will never have creative workers. Money is a creative motivator beacause it gives workers incentive to want to work and to be creative. Time pressure dose fuel creativity because they need to get it done quickly and effectively. Fear of your job focuses breakthroughs because if you dont have a job then your not ging to be able to live, so you must do well. Competition beats collaberation because the more competition the more ideals and the better they will be. A streamlined organization is a creative one because a stable comfortable workplace means happy and creative employees.
2) She desinged it around the basis of better understanding what in the work force can motivate and unmotivate the workers do do better. She did it in a lyed back way and made sure not to interferre with the workers.
3) The audience for this essay/article is people/companies are business owners or people trying to better there knowladge of the business world, and workers trying to get into the work force.

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