Wednesday, October 22, 2008

journal #7

Throughout Orwell's essay he mentions a couple of things as proof that the English language is in trouble such as our civilization is decadent and so is our language so the argument runs must inevitably share in the general collapse. He also says that the abuse of language is sentimental archaism underneath this lies the half conscious belief that language is a natural growth and not an instrument which we shape for our own purpose. Since Orwell wrote this essay over 60 years ago i believe in todays world language has gotten considerably worse. So of the reasons for this decline in the english language is because of computer chating and text messaging where people obriveate what they are trying to say. Another cause is the music or today and the language abuse that they provide to our youth. I think Orwells ideas of strengthing our writing our good because when you have a clear mind your thought process is much better inturn writing better. What he was trying to say about looking and analyzing something before you write about it was you get a better understanding of it so you can write more in depth. No i have not ever tried this method before i wrote an essay.

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