Tuesday, December 2, 2008



Why should the University Center food court be open later? Some of the reasons why the UC should be open later are because some students take night classes and it’s closed by the time they get out of class. Some students don’t have that much time at night between studying and sports practice, and some people have late lunches which forces them to eat dinner later at night.
Students that take night classes at NSU usually get out anywhere from 7-10 p.m. at night which forces them to wonder off campus somewhere so they can eat dinner. If the UC were to stay open later till all classes are over that would give students a chance to eat with piers and also utilize the money they already paid for on there shark card because most of the students life on campus that take night courses. The UC should stay open later for these students because it’s not fair to them not to be able to eat dinner where it’s convenient for them instead of having to drive and get something.
At NSU there are a lot of student athletes and a lot of students that are not only here for undergrad but plan to further there education to a masters or a doctorate. Which leads to the next reason why the UC should stay open past 7 p.m. Student athletes barely have free time to them selves to relax between weights, practices, drills, and studying so by the time they are finally done with all of there duties its past that time again and there out of another dinner because they were to caught up. It’s unfair to them because they’re only trying to do what they need to get by and there penalized for that. And those who are trying to do well so they can further there education into the masters or doctoral field study most of there free time away so by the time they find a second for dinner again that time has already passed and everything is closed down till the next morning.
Last but not least those that eat late lunches because they’re to busy at afternoon class till 4 or 5 p.m. aren’t hungry again till 9 or 10 p.m. for dinner and again by the time there hungry again the food court is closed down. Therefore serving them no justice to have the meal plan at NSU because they barely get to utilize the money they have on their card because the UC is always closed when they want to go. However the late night food added to the flight deck is a great help to some of these people, but the downfall to this service is that there’s only 4 or 5 items you can choice from.
In conclusion there are many that will agree that the UC should stay open later in the night for all of the students weather it be because you have night classes and don’t get out in time, or because you’re a student athlete that cant find the time because of studying and practice, or because you’re a dual admit student that cant find the time because your stuck at your desk with 5 books to read before the sun comes up the next morning. As a voice of NSU it would be a huge benefit to all to keep the UC food court open later for everyone to enjoy.

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