Sunday, October 5, 2008

jouranl #6

Myth: The rich get richer and the poor gets poorer

Jake:I believe in this myth because the rich are greedy and all they care about is themselves and there money. Honestly how much money do they need to be happy. The Major CEO's of banking companies have caused the stock market to crash because of all the faulty mortgages they have loaned out.

Greg: I also agree that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer because no rich people want to stay where they are at with there wealth everone trys to improve there wealth and by doing so the poor keep getting poorer because the rich keep taking thing away from them buy lowering there wages to raising the price of goods so they cant afford to live and the owners of these companies are making a killing.

What i haved leanered from this is that everyone in this world is out for themselves and there money. and that soon there will only be to classes of people which our those of wealth and those of poverty.

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