Wednesday, September 10, 2008

journal #2

I thouht that the essay i read was compelling because a young man from New Orleans talked about how he thought he was a hero to himself because he learned how to over come the things that had happen to him and his city from hurricane Katrina. He talked about how he safely escaped but many didnt, and how he lost not only materialistic things but also lost friends that would never come back to be with him again. The tone of this essay is serious, and reflective because he telling what had happen in these events and how he learned and grew from them.

This essay was compelling because it gives you a reality check, because you never really understand or appreciate what you have until you loose everything and everyone you had. It's sad because it happens to few of us but when like this happens to people it really changes the way there minds think in every aspect. She uses v devastation's isual stories to showcase what she is talking about and how she now feel for the homeless that walk the streets looking and wondering what there next move shall be because there are no certainties in your life during these periods of time. The tone of this essay is definitely serious because it shows us what can happen when things like this occur.
These essays are similar because they are both talking about hurricane and how it has effected there lives in a tremendous fashion. katrina. Yes these essays do follow the instructed guidelines given to them.


Lexi said...

Yes i belive the essay you picked. You show that you have an understanding for what the man went through anf it is a good topic to believe in!

BhurdMan said...

hey! I agree 100% with what the essay you read said about not realy being thankful for all the thing you take for granted, it shows that we should take some time and reflict on evrything we have and be thankful for it.