Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Draft Project #1

Personal belief was developed after the Great Awakening. Soon after, people realized that they didn’t have to listen to the Protestant or Catholic Church for their everyday decisions. My personal beliefs are simple and short. It consists of three concepts; eat healthy, have respect for everyone and go with your first instinct. I believe that my personal beliefs came about due to the way I was raised and the different environments that I was around while growing up. Knowing now that all my personal beliefs make me the better person that I am, I have come to fully accepting who I am. A lot of people don’t accept who they are.
Eating healthy is number one on my list because the way I look is very important to me. Image is everything where I am from and without the right image most people look at you different or don’t accept you. What I put inside my body all effects how I am feeling for the day. In my personal opinion, choosing to eat healthy affects the way I think and how my body will respond to my daily routines and activities. My food consumption by far has shaped me to what I look like, smell like, taste like, and feel like. It gives me a great source of energy and most of the time I can tell just by the way I eat that that is a reason for my lack of illnesses. Eating healthy is not some strict intense diet that I follow; it’s just watching what I eat because I know it affects everything that I do.
Respect in opinion is acknowledging someone else’s beliefs or values. Knowing the golden rule; do unto others as you would have them do unto you, I try and follow it so that I don’t curse myself down the road. Keeping the high level of respect gives the overall advantage in certain cases. To live peacefully in this world we must show respect to everyone, because everyone is not the same. Some people have different cultures, everyone looks different, and some people aren’t able to do the thing I can do. Respect is mainly looked at as the moral obligation to show tribute to someone else’s beliefs and values. Having respect for people will bring anyone a long way, sometimes not even depending on the circumstances.
My gut feeling is what I use to make every decision from day to day. Learning to always use first instinct has gotten me farther than I could have imagined. Sometimes to repeat bad mistakes I’ll accidently go with the second choice. Always to be disappointed and learning that the first choice was correct. For example, a couple days ago I was in line at McDonald’s about to order a grilled chicken breast combo, substituting the fries for apple slices. But instead I chose a Big Mac and a large fry. To my dismay I woke up the next morning throwing up from food poisoning and an angry stomach. Although my personal beliefs may change throughout the course of my life, I know that these are the ones to carry me to where I am today. Choosing certain paths from first instinct, and my appearance coming from my dietary habits, and having the friends and people in my life by the respect that I give towards them. All my personal beliefs has given me my strong proud name; Greg Moppert. Another strong Italian brother.

1 comment:

dr.mason said...

The web site is called "This I Believe," not "These I Beliive," so it might be considered a bit like cheating to focus on three different beliefs. Any one of the three beliefs you mention could from the basis of your essay, but you will have to choose at some point.

If you do go with the last one, you might be interested in Malcolm Gladwell's book, _Blink_, which basically argues that quick impulsive decisions are often better than long drawn-out ones. I think your essay helps point out something the This I Believe site may not make explicit as it could: that they're not interested in what you believe as much as why you believe, and they're not interested so much in what you believe as in what you believe IN.

So, if you feel you believe in eating healthy, they want to know how that afects your worldview and why you believe in eating healthy, and they want you to articulate it in a way to help readers better understand where that belief comes from and what it means to be a person holding that belief, by referring to some experience you've had. If you can't imagine a reader who wouldn't understand the belief you've chosen, or a belief that doesn't have enough depth to it for exploring, you may need to find a different belief.